The 2020 Spider’s Web Flash Fiction Prize Is Looking for Your Best Work
Do you have a flash fiction piece, 750 words or fewer, featuring a complex, female-oriented protagonist? The sixth annual Spider’s Web Flash Fiction Prize, sponsored by Spider Road Press, a woman-owned small press, is accepting entries through April 1, 2020.
I’ll be judging alongside writer Jae Mazer, and we want to read short stories that dazzle and sing. Stories with a female lead who is strong, or learns to be strong. She doesn’t have to ride dragons, fight crime, or single-handedly dismantle the patriarchy (although if you have a good story about someone who does that, power to you.) Maybe your heroine shines because of her inner strength, quiet endurance, or courage of conviction.
First prize: $300 plus online publication. Four honorable mentions receive $15 plus publication. Entry fee: $10. Full details and link to enter on the Spider Road Press website.
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