Join me and my fellow Kathryn, Kathryn Silver-Hajo, as we celebrate the release of our flash fiction books! Date: Thursday, May 25 Time: 7 pm Place: Riffraff Bookstore/Bar/Cafe, 60 Valley St #107A, Providence, RI 02909 Upcoming Readings & Book … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
New Publications I was a slacker in 2021! Only 17 new stories published, compared to 20 in 2020. But I have three pieces that were accepted but not yet published, so that evens things out. I was happy to make … Continue reading
Publications in 2020 It felt like 2020 wasn’t a very good year for writing. Let’s face it: 2020 wasn’t a very good year for anything. As the year began, I was at work on a novella-in-flash made up of linked … Continue reading
Opposites Attract This week’s prompt: write a flash fiction (or nonfiction) story, or a poem, using pairs of opposite concepts, such as light/dark, sun/moon, sleep/wake, summer/winter, etc. You can brainstorm some specific opposites first, then use either the actual words … Continue reading
Rainy Days and Mondays How are all of you doing out there? Are you writing? I know I’ve been having a hard time focusing, tuning out the rest of the world to get into that state of creative flow. Living … Continue reading
These are interesting times we live in. As a pandemic virus spreads across the world, many of us are practicing social distancing and staying home. We’re doing the right thing, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be boring, anxiety-producing, and … Continue reading
Fall is my favorite season! Here are four stories published in October. “Unleaving,” Fiction Southeast, October 2, 2019 Leaves were everywhere then, thick hillsides of trees be-leaved and unleaving, leaves that shook and shivered in October wind but still hung … Continue reading
I’m happy to make a second appearance in The Cabinet of Heed, an Irish lit mag, with my flash “Jessie: A Pastoral.” This story was inspired by some family research on Ancestry–and yes, this is the same Jessie whose three … Continue reading
I’ve heard poet friends say that they never have a moment free in April, because National Poetry Month means ALL the readings and conferences and workshops happen in that one month. June is sort of like that for Flash Fiction … Continue reading
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