New Stories in a Strange Time We’re at it again, pretending nothing’s changed. “Attachment Theory” published in trampset _____I liked that we could craft whole conversations around lines from 1940s crime films. Or country songs. I liked that we could … Continue reading
Category Archives: Flash
Rainy Days and Mondays How are all of you doing out there? Are you writing? I know I’ve been having a hard time focusing, tuning out the rest of the world to get into that state of creative flow. Living … Continue reading
Take aim at the Spider’s Web Flash Fiction Prize. Send your best, 750 or less. The 2020 Spider’s Web Flash Fiction Prize Is Looking for Your Best Work Do you have a flash fiction piece, 750 words or fewer, featuring … Continue reading
In cooking, it would be the equivalent of making a reduction sauce, paring down each tale to its essence, giving it time to simmer, until you have an explosion of taste in just a tiny amount that lingers on the … Continue reading
I am over the moon excited to have not one, not two, but three stories selected for the 2020 Best Microfiction anthology! The stories chosen are: “Warsaw Circus” (Milk Candy Review) “Historic Preservation” (Cabinet of Heed) “Why I Got Written … Continue reading
Fences won’t stop horses with wings. My story “In the Shadow of Their Wings” is the first to be published in the new year. It made its debut in the second issue of Ligeia magazine. And other exciting news: My … Continue reading
My Year in Writing Award Nominations I have two new award nominations to add! Both are for the same story–my shortest this year, and one of my favorites: “Why I Got Written Up by the Manager at Uncle Earl’s World-Famous … Continue reading
Stories accepted in 2019: 30 Stories published in 2019: 24 Most recent story: “Fur,” Okay Donkey, December 20, 2019 You don’t have to wear the lion head any more, she imagined him saying. You can just be you. Award Nominations … Continue reading
Fall is my favorite season! Here are four stories published in October. “Unleaving,” Fiction Southeast, October 2, 2019 Leaves were everywhere then, thick hillsides of trees be-leaved and unleaving, leaves that shook and shivered in October wind but still hung … Continue reading
My postcard-inspired story, “Keeping Gladys Good,” was published at The Sunlight Press. Blue Hills had always been a place for bad girls, strange girls, girls who refused to make their beds and fold their clothes, girls who locked themselves in … Continue reading
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