Book Launch Party for Girls on Film

Join me in celebrating the release of my new chapbook Girls on Film, a winner of the Paper Nautilus Vella Chapbook Contest. Mark the date: Friday, November 18, from 6:30-8:30 (reading begins at 7:30). The location is Fresh Table, located … Continue reading

Five Stories in Four Weeks – Scholarship Available!

I want to make my November flash fiction workshop series, “Five Stories in Four Weeks,” accessible to all writers. So I’m offering a “pay what you can” scholarship, and I’m keeping it REALLY simple. The class is focused on flash … Continue reading

You Know You Want To.

The workshop meets Saturday mornings, 10-12, on November 5, 12, and 19 and December 3, 2016. Location: School One, 220 University Avenue, Providence, RI. Note: The workshop series is $225. If you have already registered and sent in your deposit, … Continue reading

Girls on Film – Upcoming Events and Workshops

I’m so excited to announce that my flash fiction chapbook, Girls on Film, has been released and is available for purchase. It was a winner of the 2015 Vella Chapbook Contest and is published by Paper Nautilus. The collection is … Continue reading

Book Giveaway!

Patty Flaherty Pagan, editor and publisher at Spider Road Press, is calling for more people to review Up, Do: Flash Fiction by Women Writers. It’s an amazing anthology, and I’d think so even if it didn’t have two of my … Continue reading


A Month of Goats and Monkeys (and Downtown Turkeys)

So April was National Poetry Month, and as busy as it always is.

Downtown Turkey owns this sidewalk.

Downtown Turkey owns this sidewalk.

I visited Falmouth Public Library for two days of teen writing workshops and met this well-mannered turkey strutting his stuff downtown. As usual, my students inspired me, and I started a new flash fiction story.

I took part in Goat Hill Writers Workshop-Palooza! event, a daylong feast of writing workshops, in Providence and led two flash fiction workshops. Oh, and finished that story, and wrote another new story!



I visited De La Salle Middle School, also in Providence, through the RI Writers in the Schools program (thanks, Tina Cane–you are the best!) and spent a spirited hour with some talented seventh-grade writers, doing erasure poetry based on a Prince song, a quote from To Kill a Mockingbird, and an encyclopedia entry about mourning doves.

And I finished the month with a new publication, “The Last Thing She Wore,” in Monkeybicycle.

Next month: more work on my forthcoming chapbook, Girls on Film, and rejuvenation and renewal at Morning Garden Writers’ Retreat!